
The Duncairn

Putting arts at the heart of North Belfast since 2014, come and see what’s going on in Belfast’s Cultural Quarter!

Monday stitches

Monday stitches

Monday mornings at the Duncairn are for chit-chatting amongst friends while you knit and crochet.

The Stitch Café is soon celebrating its 5th birthday! Aroona Murphy leads the lovely group of regular members while welcoming new ones every week. The door to the Stitch Café is always open to new people of all abilities and ages.

The motto is Learn, Share and Enjoy. Everyone there is ready to help each other interpret a pattern or show a new stitch, share their knowledge, have a good chat, and enjoy the morning together.

“It is a nice start of the week with a coffee and a chat while letting some creativity flowing.”


People usually work on their own projects, everyone bringing in their yarn and hooks and needles. But Aroona has always got a few spare knitting needles and yarn balls for those who may join without theirs.

Patterns are shared and exchanged, so you’ll never run out of things to work on.

Over the years, the group has worked together on several charitable projects. Lately, they have been involved in making dementia-friendly objects like infinity fidgets and twiddle muffs that were donated to a charity supporting dementia patients.

The Duncairn Stitchers have made trauma teddies and little hats for premature babies (images below). These projects are completely self-funded, with members donating their time and skills and yarn, though every once in a while they receive a donation of scrap wool which they use for charitable purposes.

The Stitch Café is friendly and welcoming, full of lovely and supportive stitchers. Chatting while you work with your hands can be very therapeutic and this is a safe space to share anything that goes through your mind.

Aroona facilitates the drop-in Stitch Café every week on Mondays from 10.30 AM to 1.30 PM. Attendance is free and open to all, no need to book, just show up and join the fun.

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