Christmas shopping
This Christmas give something different, something unique: a work of art!
The gift of art offers a double perk: you’ll surprise your loved ones with something really special and you’ll support artists in these difficult times. And there’s something for every pocket.
Online selling, is for some, a brave new world! The transition to online has not been easy for those that still practice 'the old ways' lol, but it has come to be a lifeline as venues are closed and community events as such are suspended.
Producing for Christmas, while knowing that a massive percentage of the world will turn to online shopping will give artists not only a financial boost, but a focus to concentrate the mind. A natural result of this can be improved mental health.
Creatives are rarely rich, but often say that they are happy, and what makes them happy is the gift they are sharing through their artform. Each piece of work has something of the individual artist within it; knowing that your work is bought and will be presented in a loving way to someone as a special token of affection is well worth working for.
Debbie Young - Arts Development &. Outreach Officer
Our shop at the Duncairn remains closed as social distancing and lockdown measures continue, but here is how to reach online the amazing artists that we showcase at the Duncairn.
Some artists, including our artist in residence Eimer O’Caoilte (Broken Hearth Ceramics) and comic designer Jim Lavery, welcome commissions for a personalised unique gift.
If you fancy some beautiful ceramics, have a look at Megan Clingman’s handmade jewellery and at Rachel Davey’s fantastic sculptures.
Tricia Campbell, Lucy Turner and Eimear Maguire (Dolly Birds Art) have the perfect gifts for nature lovers.
And for something unusual, have a look at Deadly FX, where you’ll find the perfect handmade tools to create monstrous make up for special effects.
Some of the amazing art for sale.